Starter quiz

  • What is atmosphere?
    • the emotion a writer wants a reader to feel
    • the feeling or sense evoked by an environment or setting  ✓
    • something that causes worry or anxiety
  • What kind of language is being described here: 'language that uses the five senses to evoke a mental image in the reader.'
    • 'sensory language' ✓
  • What language device is being described here?: 'a direct comparison of two things using 'is' or 'was.
    • 'metaphor' ✓
  • What is 'pathetic fallacy'?
    • where human emotions are given to non-human objects or things  ✓
    • a comparison between two things using 'like' or 'as'
    • giving human characteristics to non-human things
  • What is a complex sentence?
    • a sentence with one main clause
    • a sentence with two main clauses joined by a connective
    • a sentence with one main clause and one subordinate clause  ✓
  • What does it mean to reflect on your work?
    • Looking at your work to see what you did well  ✓
    • Rewriting your work to enhance it
    • Proof-reading your work to check for errors