Starter quiz

  • The mood of a text is ______.
    • the logical response the story creates in the reader
    • the emotional response the story creates in the reader  ✓
    • the ethical resposne the story creates in the reader
  • Which two of the following are definitions of gloomy?
    • dark and poorly lit  ✓
    • bright and open light
    • feeling sad and despondent  ✓
    • feeling happy and joyous
  • Match the description with the emotion.
    • The clouds wept
      sadness ✓
    • The sky darkened
      fear ✓
    • The sun brightened
      happiness ✓
  • Descriptive writing means writing that is ______.
    • logical and well sequenced
    • persuasive and emotional
    • interesting and detailed  ✓
  • Dreary can mean which two of the following things?
    • repetitive and dull  ✓
    • sadness  ✓
    • vivid and exciting
    • repetitive and comforting
  • If a text opens with a wild and chaotic scene of storms and wind, we expect that ______.
    • Something predictable is about to happen
    • Something tumultuous is about to happen  ✓
    • Something joyous is about to happen