Starter quiz

  • In what year was 'Small Island' first performed at the National Theatre?
    • 2004
    • 2019  ✓
    • 1989
    • 1999
  • In 'Small Island' what are the play's primary locations?
    • Jamaica  ✓
    • Dominican Republic
    • England  ✓
    • Scotland
  • Starting with the first, put the plot events from 'Small Island' Act 1 in to chronological order.
    • 1
      Hortense witnesses Michael and Mrs Ryder's affair
    • 2
      Queenie and Bernard are married. He then signs up for the RAF
    • 3
      We hear Gilbert's story about signing up for the RAF
    • 4
      Gilbert is involved in a violent racist incident in the cinema. Arthur is shot
    • 5
      Queenie discovers Bernard is alive, but decided not to come home after the war
    • 6
      Hortense and Gilbert marry in order to migrate in the Empire Windrush
    • 7
      Queenie discovers she is pregnant with Michael's baby
  • In 'Small Island' which character says, "I'm done with this small island. I seen too much of the world now."
    • Gilbert  ✓
    • Hortense
    • Michael
    • Elwood
    • Bernard
  • Complete this quote from Act 1 Scene 7 of 'Small Island'. Hortense states "England is my ..."
    • 'golden life' ✓
  • In the opening stage directions of 'Small Island' Act 1 Scene 8, what year is mentioned, and what event is highlighted?
    • 1918; The start of World War I
    • 1939; Pathé-style news footage of Jamaica preparing for a hurricane
    • 1945; The end of World War II
    • 1948; Empire Day  ✓