Starter quiz

  • In 'Small Island', who is caught kissing "passionately" in the schoolhouse?
    • Michael and Hortense
    • Mr Philip and Stella
    • Mrs Ryder and Michael  ✓
    • Miss Ma and Mr Ryder
  • In 'Small Island', the stage directions describe "Jamaica bracing itself for a strong hurricane". What is this an example of?
    • metaphor
    • simile
    • personification  ✓
    • anthropomorphism
  • At the start of 'Small Island', Mrs Ryder is describing the effects of the hurricane. Complete the quote: "Oh, look how the trees are starting to sway! Why it's as if they are ______!"
    • 'dancing' ✓
  • In 'Small Island', Michael says he is leaving for England to join what?
    • the RAF  ✓
    • the Navy
    • the Army
    • the Ministry of Defence
  • In 'Small Island', what happens to Mr Ryder in Act 1 Scene 1?
    • He witnesses Michael and Mrs Ryder kissing.
    • He dies of a heart attack.
    • He is injured in the hurricane looking for Mrs Ryder.
    • His car hits a tree and he dies.  ✓
  • Match the character from 'Small Island' to the quotes from Act 1 Scene 1.
    • Hortense
      "I would prefer to stay at home." ✓
    • Michael
      "get away from this house, from this small, small town." ✓
    • Mr Philip
      "He has brought shame on my name. Shame on this family. Let him go." ✓
    • Miss Ma
      "They are saying that my son was caught in an unholy embrace." ✓
    • Miss Jewel
      "The boy he done a bad ting. A bad ting." ✓
    • Mrs Ryder
      "Oh where is he? I want him. I want him!" ✓