Starter quiz

  • What is a thesis statement?
    • The first sentence of a paragraph. It states the paragraph’s main idea.
    • Overarching argument, supported by the whole text.  ✓
    • The final sentence of a paragraph. It concludes the paragraph’s main idea.
  • At the end of 'Small Island' Queenie's baby becomes a symbol of...
    • 'hope' ✓
  • Which character from 'Small Island' is most hopeful about the promise the 'Mother Country' will hold?
    • Gilbert  ✓
    • Michael
    • Elwood
  • What is the meaning of the word 'characterisation'?
    • Refers to the specific techniques used in plays to create theatrical effects.
    • The skill in using theatrical techniques to write and produce plays.
    • The process of creating and developing a fictional identity in a text.  ✓
  • Match the characters from 'Small Island' to the quotes they say.
    • Gilbert
      "England is where the future lies" ✓
    • Celia
      "In England I will have a big house with a bell on the front door" ✓
    • Hortense
      "I will be a teacher, greeted with manners and respect" ✓
  • Complete the following quotation from the the final scene of 'Small Island': "The lights fade down until there is only a ______ on this baby"
    • 'spotlight' ✓