Starter quiz

  • What is a protagonist?
    • The villain in a story
    • The main character in a story  ✓
    • The victim in a story
  • Who is the protagonist of 'The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes'?
    • Arthur Conan Doyle
    • John Watson
    • Sherlock Holmes  ✓
  • What is Sherlock Holmes' likely occupation based on evidence?
    • baker
    • musician
    • detective  ✓
  • Which adjective best describes Sherlock Holmes?
    • hopeless
    • greedy
    • attentive  ✓
  • What is a prediction?
    • An exact definition
    • An analysis
    • An educated guess  ✓
  • What is tentative language?
    • Language that is not definite or certain  ✓
    • Language that is certain
    • A group of words related in meaning