Starter quiz

  • What happens in Act 1 Scene 3 of 'Othello' between Othello and Brabantio?
    • Brabantio attacks Othello.
    • Brabantio accuses Othello of using witchcraft upon his daughter.  ✓
    • Brabantio forces Othello to separate from Desdemona,
  • In Act 1 Scene 3 of 'Othello', how does Othello react to Brabantio's accusations that Othello has used witchcraft on Desdemona?
    • angrily
    • calmly  ✓
    • violently
  • In Shakespeare's 'Othello', how did Desdemona and Othello fall in love according to Othello?
    • Desdemona saw Othello on the battlefield and thought he was strong.
    • Othello told Desdemona his war stories and she pitied him.  ✓
    • They were good friends and realised they had a romantic connection.
  • How do you know Othello is eloquent from Act 1 Scene 3 of 'Othello'?
    • he manages to convince the Duke of his love story  ✓
    • he isn't bitter towards Brabantio
    • he is called 'valiant'
  • What is interesting about Iago and Brabantio’s perception of Othello and Othello’s presentation in Act 1 Scene 3 of 'Othello'?
    • Iago and Brabantio have very negative opinions of Othello which are proven wrong  ✓
    • Iago and Brabantio have very positive opinions of Othello which are proven right
    • Iago and Brabantio have very negative opinions of Othello which are proven right
  • After Act 1 Scene 3 of 'Othello', why might Othello’s impending downfall be all the more tragic?
    • his hamartia is obvious in Act 1 Scene 3
    • Iago manipulates him in Act 1 Scene 3
    • he comes across as likeable and the audience begin to sympathise with him here  ✓