Starter quiz

  • What does it mean to say a story is coherent?
    • It is entertaining. in a range of different ways.
    • It has a beginning, middle and end.
    • All the different elements link together and make sense.  ✓
    • All the sentences have good spelling, punctuation and grammar.
  • What is the function of prepositions?
    • To tell the reader where a noun is.  ✓
    • To tell the reader what a noun is like.
    • To describe a noun in detail.
    • To make the reader care for a character.
  • Which sentence type has both an independent and a dependent clause?
    • Simple sentence
    • Complex sentence  ✓
    • Compound sentence
    • Imperative sentence
    • Interrogative sentence
  • Which of the following tries to hook the reader in by telling a story?
    • Directive hook
    • Anecdotal hook  ✓
    • Descriptive hook
    • Rhetorical question
    • Rhetorical statement
  • What type of sentence connects two independent clauses using conjunctions like 'and' or 'but'?
    • Compound sentence  ✓
    • Simple sentence
    • Interrogative sentence
    • Complex sentence
    • Fragment
  • How does the discourse marker "however" function in a text?
    • It is used at the start of a new paragraph.
    • It signals to the reader that there will be an opposing view.  ✓
    • It signals to the reader that there will be a change of pace.
    • It helps the reader to feel involved in the writing.