Starter quiz

  • Which of the following is a compound sentence?
    • She sings.
    • Although she sings.
    • She sings, and he dances.  ✓
    • Singing beautifully.
    • Where she sings.
  • What effect might using short sentences have on writing?
    • It might make it confusing.
    • It might make it easier to understand.
    • It might speed up the pace.  ✓
    • It might make the writing more poetic.
  • Which structure best describes the following sentence: "Tired but happy, Jane returned from the marathon."
    • Simple sentence  ✓
    • Compound sentence
    • Complex sentence
    • Compound-complex sentence
    • Fragment
  • How can the pace be slowed down in writing?
    • Use exclamations marks to make things exciting.
    • Use short sentences to make the reader pause as they read.
    • Introduce dialogue so we get to know a character.
    • Use longer descriptive sentences to introduce a sense of time.  ✓
    • Ask questions so the reader has to think.
  • Which is an example of an imperative sentence?
    • This is a cat.
    • Don't touch the cat.  ✓
    • Is that your cat?
    • Wow, what a cat!
  • What purpose does varying sentence lengths serve in writing?
    • Increases word count
    • Adds monotony to the action
    • Introduces a sense of disorder.
    • Maintains reader's interest and controls pace  ✓
    • Introduces new characters