Starter quiz

  • Which of the following best defines 'malice'?
    • deep introspection
    • a fleeting emotion
    • spiteful wish to harm  ✓
    • a moment of epiphany
    • reverence for another
  • What is 'physiognomy' primarily concerned with?
    • analysis of landscape
    • judging character from facial features  ✓
    • evaluation of urban buildings
    • appreciation of different music styles
  • Which of the following is a synonym for 'intimidating'?
    • looming
    • imposing
    • menacing  ✓
    • disquieting
  • What can be the problem with multiple plot points?
    • It makes the action too short and therefore unsatisfactory.
    • It is confusing to keep the character moving around.
    • The reader doesn't get to care about any one incident.  ✓
    • It means you miss the main theme of the story.
  • If a paragraph lacks 'cohesion', what is it missing?
    • linkage between ideas  ✓
    • humour to make the reader laugh
    • vivid imagery
    • intense emotions
    • multiple characters
  • If a writer has 'obfuscated' the setting in a descriptive paragraph, what have they done?
    • highlighted it
    • centralised it
    • used only figurative language
    • simplified it
    • made it unclear or confusing  ✓