Starter quiz

  • What is a simile?
    • A figure of speech that compares two things using "like" or "as".  ✓
    • A figure of speech that directly compares two unrelated things.
    • Giving an object human like characteristics.
  • What is a metaphor?
    • Giving an object human like characteristics.
    • When you exaggerate or overstate something.
    • When you compare two unrelated things using the verb "to be".  ✓
  • What is personification?
    • Giving an object human like characteristics.  ✓
    • When you exaggerate or overstate something.
    • A word that describes the noun.
  • What is hyperbole?
    • When you use adjectives.
    • When you use similes and metaphors.
    • When you use exaggeration.  ✓
  • What is onomatopoeia?
    • A word used to make the reader laugh.
    • A word used to start the story in an exciting way.
    • A word that sounds like the noise it describes.  ✓
  • What do we call the main character in a story?
    • The protagonist  ✓
    • The first character
    • The antagonist