Starter quiz

  • Which figurative language device describes an exaggerated statement not meant to be taken literally?
    • metaphor
    • onomatopoeia
    • hyperbole  ✓
    • simile
    • alliteration
  • What sentence structure uses a coordinating conjunction to combine two independent clauses?
    • compound  ✓
    • simple
    • compound-complex
    • fragment
    • periodic
  • What tone might a writer use to describe a villain's lair?
    • jubilant
    • melancholic
    • ominous  ✓
    • euphoric
    • whimsical
  • What is the best synonym for the word 'decrepit'?
    • relaxed
    • dilapidated  ✓
    • malevolent
    • distraught
    • playful
  • How should a new idea or subject typically start in writing?
    • wiith a capital letter
    • with the word "the"
    • with a new sentence
    • with a semicolon
    • with a new paragraph  ✓
  • When should you use a semi-colon?
    • when you want to draw attention to the words in two separate clauses
    • to join two clauses in a complex sentence that would otherwise sound awkward
    • to connect two closely related independent clauses without a conjunction  ✓
    • when you are listing main clauses after an introductory clause and a colon  ✓