Starter quiz

  • What would you not expect to see in a dystopian description?
    • thriving nature and wildlife  ✓
    • dilapidated buildings
    • suffering citizens
    • toxic air / pollutants
  • What is a semantic field?
    • A technique comparing two words using like or as
    • A technique that says something is something that it is not literally
    • a group of words related in meaning  ✓
  • Which words fit the semantic field of decay?
    • torn, cut, crease, paper
    • ruin, stench, crumble  ✓
    • scowl, torment, unleash
  • Which tone would you not expect to see in a dystopia?
    • oppressive
    • enthusiastic  ✓
    • pessimistic
  • What do you need to link together to create a semantic field?
    • punctuation
    • sentence type
    • vocabulary  ✓
  • By linking lots of your vocabulary to pain, which tone are you creating?
    • calm
    • optimistic
    • bleak  ✓