Starter quiz

  • What is a simple sentence?
    • A sentence with a verb
    • Two sentences joined by a conjunction
    • A sentence with a subject and a verb  ✓
    • A short sentence
  • What is a compound sentence?
    • A sentence with a subordinating conjunction
    • A sentence with one subject and one verb
    • A long sentence
    • A sentence that combines two simple sentences with a conjunction  ✓
  • What is a complex sentence?
    • Two simple sentences joined by a conjunction.
    • A sentence with a main clause and subordinate clause.  ✓
    • A sentence with one subject and one verb.
  • Which sentence below is a simple sentence?
    • The city was in ruin.  ✓
    • The violence had worsened and now the city was in ruin.
    • Due to the ongoing violence, the city was in ruin.
  • Which punctuation mark would be used at the end of a passionate sentence?
    • !  ✓
    • ?
    • .
  • Which punctuation mark would be used at the end of a question?
    • ?  ✓
    • !
    • .