Starter quiz

  • Which of the following might flowers be thought to symbolise?
    • Beauty  ✓
    • Freedom
    • Sleep
    • Fragility  ✓
  • What does 'to reassure' someone mean?
    • To remove their doubts or fears  ✓
    • To make them more fearful
    • To make them feel proud
    • To make them anxious or worried
  • Bird song might be thought to symbolise ______.
    • An ending
    • New beginnings  ✓
    • Death
    • War
  • A refrain in a poem is ______.
    • A pause in a line of poetry.
    • A line repeated periodically through the poem.  ✓
    • The continuation of a sentence beyond the end of the line.
  • 'A result or effect, typically one that is unwelcome or unpleasant.' is the definition of ______.
    • A consequence  ✓
    • A duty
    • An obligation
  • What does euphony mean in poetry?
    • Harsh sounds
    • Happy sounds
    • Grating sounds
    • Pleasing sounds  ✓