Starter quiz

  • When was WW1?
    • 1914-1918  ✓
    • 1915-1920
    • 1943-1947
  • Which of the following were allies to Britain in WW1?
    • Germany
    • France  ✓
    • America  ✓
    • Turkey
  • The suppression or prohibition of any parts of books, films, news, etc. is known as ______.
    • 'censorship' ✓
  • Name the techniques used in government propaganda posters to persuade?
    • Enjambment
    • Direct address  ✓
    • Rhetorical questions  ✓
    • Expert views
  • 'Bent double, like old beggars under sacks' from Owen's 'Dulce et Decorum Est.' could be interpreted as which two of the following?
    • The war was physically draining on the soldiers  ✓
    • The war sucked the life out of the soldiers  ✓
    • The weather conditions were hard on the soldiers
    • The constant sound of gunfire was emotionally draining
  • Which is the most likely reason for why war poetry is so popular with the public?
    • It is of higher literary quality than other poems.
    • It offers an insight into life on the front lines.  ✓
    • It offers a purely anti-war perspective.