Starter quiz

  • Rupert Brooke experienced ______ military fighting during the war.
    • 'no' ✓
  • Which of the following words means to be hopeful and confident about the future?
    • Pessimistic
    • Indifferent
    • Nonchalant
    • Optimistic  ✓
  • Select the reasons why Brooke's 'The Soldier' may have an optimistic attitude.
    • Brooke didn't see any military fighting.  ✓
    • Brooke believed that Germany would surrender.
    • Brooke died relatively early on in the war.  ✓
    • Brooke was personal friends with Lord Kitchener.
  • Which of the following means a person or action showing a lack of experience, wisdom, or judgement?
    • Naive  ✓
    • Idealistic
    • Patriotic
    • Nonchalant
  • What was the general reaction to Rupert Brooke's 'The Soldier'?
    • It was felt that it wasn't true war poetry.
    • It was met with great praise.  ✓
    • It was met with scorn.
    • It was met with ridicule.
  • Why do you think a modern reader may find Brooke's 'The Soldier' idealistic?
    • It does not show the harsh realities of war.  ✓
    • It praises the military might of England.
    • It praises the King.
    • It scorns the German soldiers.