Starter quiz

  • At the beginning of 'A Midsummer Night's Dream', who is Demetrius in love with?
    • Titania
    • Helena
    • Hermia  ✓
    • no-one
    • Hippolyta
  • After having the magical potion applied to them in Acts 2 and 3 of 'A Midsummer Night's Dream', who do Lysander and Demetrius fall in love with?
    • Hermia
    • Helena  ✓
    • Titania
    • Bottom
  • In Act 2, Scene 1 of 'A Midsummer Night's Dream', what do we learn about the character of Puck?
    • He finds practical jokes funny.  ✓
    • He likes to trick people.  ✓
    • He makes Titania laugh with his practical jokes.
    • Oberon doesn't like that he plays practical jokes.
    • He has a reputation for causing mischief.  ✓
  • A pupil said of Puck, a character in 'A Midsummer Night's Dream', "Puck purposefully causes chaos amongst the Athenian nobles." How would you correct them?
    • Puck tricks the nobles, just like he tricks Bottom.
    • Puck obeyed Oberon's orders to create chaos.
    • Puck created chaos, but only to make Oberon laugh.
    • Puck was truly trying to help Helena but mistook Lysander for Demetrius  ✓
    • Puck tries to follow Oberon's orders, but accidently makes a mistake.  ✓
  • Starting with the first plot point, order these events from 'A Midsummer Night's Dream' in chronological order.
    • 1
      Puck puts the magical potion on Lysander by accident.
    • 2
      Lysander falls in love with Helena and leaves Hermia alone in the forest.
    • 3
      Oberon realises Puck has put the magical potion on the wrong man.
    • 4
      Oberon applies the magical potion to Demetrius.
    • 5
      Demetrius wakes up and immediately falls in love with Helena.
    • 6
      Helena thinks Demetrius and Lysander are mocking her by pretending to love her.
    • 7
      Hermia feels betrayed by Lysander and Helena.
  • In Act 3, Scene 2 of 'A Midsummer Night's Dream', when Oberon realises that Puck put the magical potion on the wrong man, he orders Puck to find Helena "swifter than the... ".
    • 'wind' ✓