Starter quiz

  • In 'A Midsummer Night's Dream', which characters are supernatural?
    • Bottom
    • Puck  ✓
    • Titania  ✓
    • Theseus
    • Oberon  ✓
  • What type of play is 'A Midsummer Night's Dream'?
    • supernatural
    • history
    • myth
    • comedy  ✓
    • tragicomedy
  • When we talk about Shakespeare's plays, we give them genres. What does genre mean?
    • the amount of humour in a text
    • the style or type of text  ✓
    • the ending of a text
    • when the text was written
  • Shakespeare wrote just under 40 plays. What genre of plays did he write?
    • horrors
    • comedies  ✓
    • tragedies  ✓
    • histories  ✓
    • epilogues
  • 'A Midsummer Night's Dream' is a comedy. What are some of the key features of a Shakespearean comedy?
    • They end in chaos and disorder.
    • They include chaos and disorder.  ✓
    • They include the supernatural.
    • They end in marriage(s).  ✓
    • They have intricate plots.  ✓
  • A pupil said: "Shakespeare created the name and character of Puck/Robin Goodfellow". How would you correct them?
    • Robin Goodfellow was a well known figure in Elizabethan folklore.  ✓
    • Shakespeare stole these names from another playwright.
    • The word "puck" was a common name for an evil fairy in Elizabethan England.  ✓
    • The name Puck was famous, but he came up with Goodfellow to show Puck is kind.