Starter quiz

  • When writing about 'A Midsummer Night's Dream', you should include quotations. What is a quotation?
    • words that you want to use about a text
    • dialogue from a text, but no other words
    • any words the writer said about the text
    • any words from the text  ✓
    • when you summarise what a character says from a text
  • When writing about 'A Midsummer Night's Dream', you could start with an introduction which follows a three part structure. Starting with the first sentence, put the three part structure in order.
    • 1
      a general statement about the text
    • 2
      a general statement in relation to the character or theme in the question
    • 3
      a specific thesis
  • When writing about 'A Midsummer Night's Dream', you should analyse quotations from the play. What does it mean to analyse?
    • summarising the plot of a text
    • explaining whether you think the text is good or not
    • considering why a writer wrote their work in the way that they did  ✓
    • selecting the longest quotations to show off your knowledge of the text
    • looking at a text closely and thinking about what it might mean  ✓
  • In 'A Midsummer Night's Dream', why might the characters of Puck and Oberon be considered dangerous?
    • because Puck is Oberon's servant
    • because of their ability to transform and control others  ✓
    • because they restore order at the end of Act 3
    • because they sometimes have malicious intentions towards others  ✓
    • because they don't know how to remove the magical potion
  • In 'A Midsummer Night's Dream', why might the characters of Puck and Oberon be considered harmless?
    • because Titania gives Oberon the little boy he wants
    • because Oberod Puck are key to restoring order  ✓
    • because the play is a comedy, Puck and Oberon create comedic chaos  ✓
    • because Puck makes a mistake putting the magical potion on Lysander
    • because Puck can transform into many different creatures and things
  • Starting with the first plot point, order Puck's role in 'A Midsummer Night's Dream'.
    • 1
      He talks to a fairy about the practical jokes he likes to play.
    • 2
      He fetches the magical potion for Oberon.
    • 3
      He accidently puts the magical potion on Lysander.
    • 4
      He transforms Bottom's head into that of a donkey.
    • 5
      He asks Oberon if they can watch the unhappy Athenian nobles.
    • 6
      He leads the Athenian nobles through the forest so he can restore order.
    • 7
      He apologises to the audience if the play caused offence.