Starter quiz

  • Identify the singular common nouns.
    • grass  ✓
    • car  ✓
    • boats
    • boxes
    • foot  ✓
  • Identify the plural common nouns.
    • class
    • boots  ✓
    • dresses  ✓
    • horse
    • trays  ✓
  • When using the suffix -es, what are the two key spelling rules?
    • If the root word ends in a vowel digraph including a ‘y’, just add -s.
    • Remove the 'y' and add -ies.  ✓
    • If the word ends in ‘sh’, ‘ch’, ‘ss’ or ‘x’ just add -es.  ✓
    • If the root word ends in 'e', just add -s.
  • Choose the correct spelling of the world in bold in this sentence: Pack your things into boxis.
    • boxiz
    • boxs
    • boxes  ✓
    • box's
  • Choose the correct spelling of the word in bold in the following sentence: The dress's hung in the wardrobe.
    • dressis
    • dresess
    • dressies
    • dresses  ✓
  • Correct the spelling of the word in bold in this sentence: The packed lunchs are getting cold.
    • 'lunches' ✓