Starter quiz

  • Identify the three nouns in the following sentence: 'As the soft snow gently fell, the clouds swirled around the mountains.'
    • 'snow' ✓
  • Which of the words in the following sentence are verbs? 'As the soft snow gently fell, the clouds swirled around the mountains.'
    • gently
    • fell  ✓
    • swirled  ✓
    • around
  • Match the word classes to the examples, using this sentence: 'As the soft snow gently fell, the wispy clouds swirled around the mountains.'
    • adjective
      soft, wispy ✓
    • noun
      snow, clouds, mountains ✓
    • verb
      swirled, fell ✓
    • adverb
      gently ✓
  • What is true of vivid imagery?
    • It creates sensory experiences.  ✓
    • It creates a clear picture for the reader.  ✓
    • It limits the reader's imagination.
    • It causes confusion for the reader.
  • Which expanded noun phrase would best fit in the gap in the following sentence ? 'The torrential, incessant rain, which splattered in every direction, poured down like __________.'
    • sweet, delicious juice
    • heavy, sombre teardrops  ✓
    • warm, salty sea water
    • thick, green slime
  • Match the literary devices to the correct examples.
    • simile
      The stars twinkled like diamonds in the sky. ✓
    • personification
      The wind whispered secrets through the trees. ✓
    • repetition
      The night was dark, darker than anything I had ever seen.  ✓