Starter quiz

  • What is a biography?
    • A kind of book that tells the true story of someone's life.  ✓
    • A kind of recipe book.
    • A kind of newspaper article.
  • Walter Tull, born in 1888, was a courageous footballer. What text type could this sentence come from?
    • mystery story
    • poem
    • biography  ✓
    • autobiography
  • Match the vocabulary to its definition.
    • photos
      Pictures taken to capture a moment in time. ✓
    • documents
      Important papers that contain information. ✓
    • illustrations
      Drawings or pictures that help understand a story better. ✓
  • What is a caption?
    • A book's cover page.
    • A chapter's title in a book.
    • A short text explaining a picture in a book.  ✓
  • Match the characteristic to its definition.
    • leadership
      Leading and inspiring others towards a common goal. ✓
    • courage
      Being brave in the face of fear or difficulty. ✓
    • shyness
      Feeling nervous and hesitant around people. ✓
  • Which is subject-specific vocabulary that you would find in a non-fiction text about football?
    • suddenly
    • tackle  ✓
    • then
    • offside  ✓
    • amazed