Starter quiz

  • Match the word to the suffix below.
    • shorten
      -en ✓
    • beautify
      -ify ✓
    • singing
      -ing ✓
    • played
      -ed ✓
  • What word class is the word nervous in this sentence? The nervous girl tiptoed through the door.
    • noun
    • adjective  ✓
    • verb
    • adverb
  • What rules are applied when adding the suffix -ed to these words?
    • hope - hoped
      remove the 'e', add -ed ✓
    • hurry - hurried
      remove the 'y', add -ied ✓
    • play - played
      just add -ed ✓
  • What word class is the word adventure in this sentence? The knight was ready for an adventure.
    • verb
    • noun  ✓
    • adjective
    • adverb
  • Match the word to its definition.
    • poison
      a harmful substance that can make you sick or cause death ✓
    • mountain
      a very tall hill ✓
    • danger
      risk of harm or injury  ✓
  • Match the word to its definition.
    • mystery
      something that's not known or understood ✓
    • victory
      winning or being the best at something ✓
    • fury
      very strong anger ✓