Starter quiz

  • When the word 'outrage' becomes 'outrageous' what rule is applied?
    • Just add -ous.  ✓
    • Remove the ‘e’, add -ous.
    • Remove the ‘y’, add -ious.
    • Change ‘our’ to ‘or’, add -ous.
  • When the word 'rigour' becomes 'rigorous' what rule is applied?
    • Just add -ous.
    • Remove the ‘e’, add -ous.
    • Remove the ‘y’, add -ious.
    • Change ‘our’ to ‘or’, add -ous.  ✓
  • When the word 'continue' becomes 'continuous' what rule is applied?
    • Just add -ous.
    • Remove the ‘e’, add -ous.  ✓
    • Remove the ‘y’, add -ious.
    • Change ‘our’ to ‘or’, add -ous.
  • When the word 'fury' becomes 'furious' what rule is applied?
    • Just add -ous.
    • Remove the ‘e’, add -ous.
    • Remove the ‘y’, add -ious.  ✓
    • Change ‘our’ to ‘or’, add -ous.
  • Choose the correct spelling for the word in bold in this sentence. Yesterday, I thort I saw you on the street.
    • thort
    • thaught
    • thought  ✓
    • thoght
  • Choose the correct spelling for the word in bold in this sentence. What is the purpus of this text?
    • purposs
    • purpous
    • purpose  ✓
    • perpose