Starter quiz

  • Match each word to the correct word class.
    • simple
      adjective ✓
    • beautify
      verb ✓
    • beauty
      noun ✓
  • Match the verbs to the rule they have used when the suffix -ify was added.
    • purify
      Remove the final vowel, then add the suffix. ✓
    • solidify
      Just add the suffix. ✓
    • qualify
      No obvious root word. ✓
    • glorify
      Remove the 'y', then add the suffix. ✓
  • Match the words to the rule that is used when the suffix is added.
    • elastic - elasticate
      Just add the suffix. ✓
    • beauty - beautify
      Remove the ‘y’, then add the suffix. ✓
    • wide - widen
      Remove the ‘e’, then add the suffix. ✓
    • flat - flatten
      Double the consonant, then add the suffix. ✓
  • Choose the correct spelling of the word in bold in the sentence. Stand in the correct posishun behind the line.
    • posishun
    • position  ✓
    • posision
    • posishn
  • Choose the correct spelling of the word in bold in the sentence. The water will solidyfigh when it turns to ice.
    • 'solidify' ✓
  • Correct the spelling of the word in bold in the sentence. We must leave for school erlee tomorrow morning.
    • 'early' ✓