Starter quiz

  • What kind of word is a verb?
    • a being word  ✓
    • a doing word  ✓
    • an owning word
    • a having word  ✓
  • Tick the words that can be used as verbs.
    • was  ✓
    • said  ✓
    • local
    • regular
    • hasn't  ✓
  • Which sentence shows an action happening in the past?
    • I am studying French.
    • I studied French last year.  ✓
    • I will study French at secondary school.
  • Which sentence shows action happening in the present?
    • She practised every day for a month.
    • She practises every day after school.  ✓
    • She will practise tonight.
  • Put these sentences in order from the past to the future.
    • 1
      I washed the car last week.
    • 2
      I wash the car every week.
    • 3
      I will wash the car next week.
  • Tick the sentence which uses the correct tense throughout.
    • When I woke up, I brush my teeth.
    • When I wake up, I brushed my teeth.
    • When I woke up, I brushed my teeth.  ✓