Starter quiz

  • Which country was the poet Walter de la Mare from?
    • Ireland
    • England  ✓
    • France
    • Spain
  • Select the examples of antiquated vocabulary found in 'The Listeners' by Walter de La Mere.
    • champed  ✓
    • munched
    • smote  ✓
    • knocked
  • Walter de la Mare mentions a 'stirrup' in his poem. Select the correct definition of this word.
    • a leather harness used to lead a horse
    • a supportive metal or leather loop that hangs from a saddle for a rider's foot  ✓
    • a metal utensil used to stir ingredients when cooking
  • Understanding the vocabulary used in a poem can support your overall comprehension of the poem.
    • True ✓
    • False
  • Select the strategies which could support reading a poem aloud.
    • knowing the atmosphere and emotions of the poem  ✓
    • speaking with a quiet voice
    • knowing very little about the poem or the language used
    • speaking with a clear voice and varying your volume  ✓
  • In Walter de la Mare's poem 'The Listeners', what do the listeners do when the visitor arrives?
    • welcome him warmly
    • ignore him  ✓
    • ask him to leave
    • ask him to come back later