Starter quiz

  • What tense would you use when writing about how you are currently feeling?
    • past tense
    • present tense  ✓
    • future tense
  • Which sentence is written in the future tense?
    • We will be playing outside.  ✓
    • We play outside.
    • We played outside.
  • You can copy out the notes from your plan exactly as they are.
    • True
    • False ✓
  • Which sentence is written in the first person?
    • I miss my friends.  ✓
    • She misses her friends.
    • They miss their friends.
    • You miss your friends.
  • Which of the following is a simple sentence?
    • I want to play outside, but we are still far away.
    • I want to play outside.  ✓
    • When we get there, I want to play outside.
    • I want to play outside because it is fun.
  • Match the words to their contracted form.
    • I am
      I'm ✓
    • we are
      we're ✓
    • it is
      it's  ✓
    • we will
      we'll ✓