Starter quiz

  • What is a text's purpose?
    • the aim of the text  ✓
    • the people reading a text
    • the layout of a text
  • Select the definition of an essay from the list below.
    • writing that informs the reader about a real-life event
    • writing that informs the reader about a person’s life
    • a fictional story
    • writing that discusses points and arguments surrounding a particular issue  ✓
  • Match the parts of an essay with their functions:
    • introduction
      states argument and introduces topics to be explored ✓
    • sections
      paragraphs related to arguments surrounding the subject ✓
    • conclusion
      summarises the information from the text and restates the argument ✓
  • Match the terms to their definitions.
    • general information
      necessary information about the general topic ✓
    • specific information
      detailed, factual information about a particular topic or argument ✓
    • subject-specific vocabulary
      factual vocabulary about the subject ✓
  • In the sections of an essay, information should be kept ...
    • general
    • specific  ✓
    • brief
  • Select the linguistic features of an essay.
    • fronted adverbials  ✓
    • brackets for parenthesis  ✓
    • simile
    • facts  ✓
    • alliteration