Starter quiz

  • What is an audience?
    • a group of people who watch or listen to something  ✓
    • a group of people who perform on stage
    • a group of people playing
  • Which two should an audience do when they are watching a presentation?
    • listen to the presentation  ✓
    • talk to their partner throughout the presentation
    • read their book during the presentation
    • look at the presenter  ✓
  • What is the purpose of a non-chronological report?
    • to tell the reader a story
    • to record thoughts and feelings
    • to inform the reader about a particular topic  ✓
  • Which of these words would be found in a non-chronological report about aye-ayes?
    • habitat  ✓
    • adaptations  ✓
    • primates  ✓
    • cheeky
    • lemurs  ✓
  • Which four help effective presenting?
    • speaking loudly enough for everyone to hear  ✓
    • pronouncing words correctly  ✓
    • telling jokes
    • eye contact  ✓
    • confident body language  ✓
  • 'Polysyllabic' words are
    • words with one syllable.
    • words with more than one syllable.  ✓
    • words with more vowels than consonants.