Starter quiz

  • Which of the following describes a verb?
    • a person, place or thing
    • a word that describes a noun
    • a being, doing or having word  ✓
    • a word that joins clauses, phrases or words together
  • Which word in the following sentence is a verb? 'Who is Jun?'
    • who
    • is  ✓
    • Jun
  • Which sentence is happening in the past?
    • Tomorrow, we will go to the shops.
    • I am doing my best!
    • We walked up the steep hill.  ✓
  • Which sentence is happening in the future?
    • That morning, we packed our bags quickly.
    • We will walk as far as possible today!  ✓
    • I'm so hungry!
  • Tick the sentences that make sense.
    • Jacob like running.
    • Aisha loves walking.  ✓
    • Jun and Andeep wants to go swimming.
    • Sofia and Laura need to practice.  ✓
  • Which is the correct pair of verbs to complete the gaps: 'I didn't ___________ what to do when it __________'.
    • knew, happened
    • know, happen
    • know, happened  ✓
    • knows, happened