Starter quiz

  • Which of these sentences are written in a progressive tense?
    • We will be watching it tonight.  ✓
    • We watched it last night.
    • She was hurrying towards the door.  ✓
    • She hurried towards the door.
  • Match the sentence to the tense it is written in.
    • simple present
      He plays volleyball every week.  ✓
    • simple past
      He played volleyball yesterday.  ✓
    • progressive present
      He is playing volleyball this afternoon.  ✓
    • progressive past
      He was playing volleyball when it happened.  ✓
  • What is an auxiliary verb?
    • a 'helping' verb that is linked to the main verb in a sentence  ✓
    • a verb that shows that action happened in the past tense
    • a verb that comes after the main verb
  • Which of these is written in the progressive future tense?
    • The class was hoping to win the Attendance Award.
    • Jun is enjoying the school residential.
    • Miss Ofoedu will be arriving slightly late today.  ✓
  • In a progressive tense, what form does the main verb take?
    • '-ed' ending (played)
    • '-ing' ending (playing)  ✓
    • '-s' ending (plays)
  • Which sentence shows the future progressive tense version of this simple present sentence: 'Andeep wants to win the match'.
    • Andeep will want to win the match.
    • Andeep will be wanting to win the match.  ✓
    • Andeep was wanting to win the match.
    • Andeep is wanting to win the match.