Starter quiz

  • Identify the words that contain short vowel sounds.
    • cube
    • cup  ✓
    • follow  ✓
    • home
  • What happens to the word 'flat' when we add the suffix -en?
    • It becomes 'flaten'.
    • It becomes 'flattin'.
    • It becomes 'flatten'.  ✓
    • It becomes 'flatin'.
  • Which of these rules applies when the suffix -est is added to 'hot'?
    • Just add -est.
    • Remove the 't' and add -est.
    • Double the consonant and add -est.  ✓
  • Which word is spelled correctly with a double consonant after a short vowel sound?
    • shoping
    • shopping  ✓
    • shoppin
    • shopin
  • Complete the following sentence: 'We often double the consonant when ...'
    • the word ends with a vowel.
    • the word starts with a consonant.
    • the word has a long vowel sound in the middle.
    • the word has a short vowel sound in the middle.  ✓
  • Correct the spelling of the word in bold in the following sentence: 'There was a perticuler book that she was looking for.'
    • peritcular
    • particular  ✓
    • particuler
    • particcular