Starter quiz

  • What does 'plural' mean?
    • only one
    • equal to
    • more than one  ✓
  • What does 'singular' mean?
    • only one  ✓
    • equal to
    • more than one
  • Which of these are plural nouns that do not end in s?
    • geese  ✓
    • buses
    • teeth  ✓
    • clocks
    • feet  ✓
  • What belongs to Sofia in the following sentence? 'Sofia's sticker chart was on the desk and Ms Douglas found it for her.'
    • desk
    • Ms Douglas
    • sticker chart  ✓
  • What belongs to the children in the following sentence? 'We saw the children's school when we were on the bus going to the theatre.'
    • bus
    • school  ✓
    • theatre
  • Why is there no s after the apostrophe in the following sentence? 'All the teachers' jeans had grass stains on them after Sports Day.'
    • The noun 'teachers' is singular.
    • Nothing belongs to the teachers in this sentence.
    • The noun 'teachers' is plural.  ✓