Starter quiz

  • Fill in the blank: 'Possessing' is another word for ...
    • owning  ✓
    • putting
    • showing
    • keeping
  • What belongs to Sofia in the following sentence? 'Ms Clarke read Sofia's book at lunch time play.'
    • Ms Clarke
    • lunch time
    • play
    • book  ✓
  • What belongs to Jun in the following sentence? 'Jun's carrier bag was yellow with red stripes and he took it to the supermarket.'
    • red stripes
    • supermarket
    • carrier bag  ✓
  • Why is there no s after the apostrophe in the following sentence? 'Mr Douglas' jumper looked very warm.'
    • The name 'Mr Douglas' ends in the letter s.  ✓
    • The noun 'Mr Douglas' is singular.
    • Nothing belongs to Mr Douglas.
  • Which pair of words have been contracted with an apostrophe in this example? won't
    • would not
    • will not  ✓
    • is not
    • do not
  • Is the apostrophe signalling contraction or possession in the following sentence? 'I'm definitely coming to the party in the summer!'
    • 'contraction' ✓