Starter quiz

  • Which punctuation mark is an apostrophe?
    • !
    • ,
    • " "
    • '  ✓
  • What is a contraction in English?
    • two words pushed together  ✓
    • two words split up
    • a pair of adjectives
    • a list of nouns
  • Where would you see an apostrophe in a word?
    • low down between the last two letters
    • above the last letter in the word
    • at the start of a word
    • at the same height as the ascender of a letter  ✓
  • True or false? Using contractions makes writing more formal.
    • True
    • False ✓
  • What does it mean if you possess something?
    • you like it
    • you own it  ✓
    • you don't know it
    • it belongs to you  ✓
  • In the following sentence, what belongs to Jun? 'Jun's football that he kicked on the pitch was red and white.'
    • pitch
    • leg
    • football  ✓