Starter quiz

  • Which two co-ordinating conjunctions have a comma before them in a compound sentence?
    • and
    • but  ✓
    • or  ✓
  • Tick the compound sentence that is correctly punctuated.
    • The children ate their lunch, and they ran off to play.
    • We could walk home or we could take the bus.
    • We could walk home, but it's raining hard.  ✓
  • Tick the sentence that should include a comma.
    • The volcano rumbled violently as the eruption drew near.
    • As the eruption drew near the volcano rumbled violently.  ✓
    • The tourists watched the volcano rumble and they were very frightened.
  • Match the adverbial clause to an appropriate main clause.
    • When it was morning,
      we got up sleepily.  ✓
    • Because it was snowing,
      I wrapped up warmly. ✓
    • As the sun set,
      we sang songs by the camp fire. ✓
  • Which sentence is punctuated correctly?
    • As Laura watched a small, red fox darted past.
    • As Laura watched, a small, red fox darted past.  ✓
    • As Laura watched a small red fox, darted past.
  • Which sentence is punctuated correctly?
    • Andeep ran home and he grabbed his boots, his socks and his shinpads.  ✓
    • Andeep ran home, and he grabbed his boots, his socks and his shinpads.
    • Andeep ran home and he grabbed his boots, his socks, and his shinpads.