Starter quiz

  • Which of the following are expressions of gratitude?
    • You've got to the end of the letter!
    • Thank you for reading all the way to the end of this letter.  ✓
    • I am so grateful to you for taking the time to read this far.  ✓
    • Those are my arguments. What do you reckon?
  • Which of the following are we not likely to find in the conclusion to a persuasive letter?
    • detailed reasons and evidence  ✓
    • a respectful sign-off
    • an expression of gratitude
    • a range of persuasive techniques
  • Which of these persuasive techniques have the appropriate formal tone for a persuasive letter to Sherlock Holmes?
    • I am certain that you will already have a solution in mind.  ✓
    • You've already cracked it, haven't you?
    • I know you will not allow the community to suffer any longer.  ✓
    • You're going to solve this - I can feel it in my bones!
  • Which example here uses a semi-colon correctly?
    • I cannot wait to hear from you I am certain you alone can solve this puzzle.
    • I cannot wait to hear; from you I am certain you alone can solve this puzzle.
    • I cannot wait to hear from you; I am certain you alone can solve this puzzle.  ✓
    • I cannot wait; to hear from you I am certain you alone can solve this puzzle.
  • Which of these is not a piece of presumption?
    • I am certain that you will already have a solution in mind.
    • No doubt you are eager to help us immediately.
    • Surely you can see that you must help us?  ✓
    • I cannot wait to hear your solution to this puzzle.
  • Why is 'Yours sincerely,' an appropriate sign-off to a letter to Sherlock Holmes?
    • because it is informal
    • because it shows our affection for him
    • because it shows respect and politeness  ✓
    • because it is formal  ✓