Starter quiz

  • Some things are made explicit by the author. Other things we must __________ from what is written.
    • create
    • infer  ✓
    • deduct
    • embellish
  • What inferences can we make from the following description? 'Watson was astonished to see Holmes standing over his bed at 3 o'clock in the morning, holding a pile of case notes.'
    • Holmes can sometimes be presumptuous.  ✓
    • Holmes is single-minded when he wants to solve a crime.  ✓
    • Holmes is always considerate towards others.
    • Holmes cares a lot about Watson.
  • What character trait is shown in the following description? 'Holmes could instantly tell that the man was lying.'
    • diffident
    • presumptuous
    • assertive
    • shrewd  ✓
  • What character trait is shown in the following description? 'I considered correcting him, but I decided not to.'
    • diffident  ✓
    • presumptuous
    • unflappable
    • shrewd
  • Which word means 'calm under pressure'?
    • presumptuous
    • diffident
    • unflappable  ✓
    • shrewd
  • Which description shows that Holmes is 'unflappable'?
    • Holmes barely looked up as Watson came in.
    • Holmes raised an eyebrow as the man raised his gun.  ✓
    • Holmes told the man, "Get out!"