Starter quiz

  • Tick the sentences that use an apostrophe for a contracted form.
    • It's not that surprising really.  ✓
    • She's never ever seen a llama!  ✓
    • We watched Aisha's favourite video.
    • The boys' coats lay on the muddy ground.
    • There wasn't anything left of lunch.  ✓
  • Which of these contracted forms have the apostrophe in the correct position?
    • ca'nt
    • wo'nt
    • didn't  ✓
    • isn't  ✓
  • Which sentence is the most formal?
    • We've got loads to do today.
    • We have a ton of stuff to get done.
    • A great deal must be accomplished today.  ✓
    • There's just so much that needs doing!
  • Match each sentence to the possession it shows.
    • The teams' kits were muddy.
      There is more than one team.  ✓
    • The team's kits were muddy.
      There is only one team.  ✓
    • The cake's icing was sweet.
      There is only one cake. ✓
    • The cakes' icing was sweet.
      There is more than one cake. ✓
  • Which speech sentences are punctuated correctly?
    • "Don't try and stop me!" said Sam.  ✓
    • "Where's the bathroom" asked Andeep.
    • Jun wondered "Is it time to go?"
    • Aisha asked, "Where is she?"  ✓
  • Which version of the sentence is correctly punctuated?
    • Some people say, "More haste, less speed"
    • Some people say, "more haste, less speed"
    • Some people say, "More haste, less speed."  ✓
    • Some people say "More haste, less speed."