Starter quiz

  • Which of the following could be used to introduce a list?
    • We saw many different animals, such as:
    • We saw many different animals:  ✓
    • We saw many different animals, such as the following:  ✓
  • Match the main clauses to the lists that could follow the colon.
    • She speaks three languages:
      French, Spanish and English. ✓
    • I have several good friends:
      Jun, Jacob, Alex and Aisha. ✓
    • He had lost several items:
      his watch, his keys and his phone. ✓
  • Which of these sentences is correctly punctuated?
    • We need to buy a few things, including: coffee, tea, milk and sugar.
    • We need to buy a few things: coffee, tea, milk and sugar.  ✓
    • We need to buy a few things: coffee, tea, milk, and sugar.
  • Which of these could come before a question introduced by the colon?
    • Only one question dominated my thoughts:  ✓
    • I couldn't stop thinking about:
    • The question on my mind was:
  • Which of these sentences is the correct version?
    • Walking through the forest, my skin was prickling, was someone else there?
    • Walking through the forest, my skin was prickling: Was someone else there?
    • Walking through the forest, my skin was prickling: was someone else there?  ✓
  • How do colons help to improve text cohesion?
    • They can join main clauses together.  ✓
    • They can reduce interruptions to the flow of the text.  ✓
    • They help us use fewer lists and questions.