Starter quiz

  • Match the prefix to its meaning.
    • de-
      undo ✓
    • re-
      again ✓
    • sub-
      under ✓
    • super-
      above ✓
  • Select the words containing the prefix re-.
    • reappear  ✓
    • recycle  ✓
    • care
    • aware
    • rebuild  ✓
  • Select the words containing the prefix de-.
    • decompose  ✓
    • spade
    • deflate  ✓
    • played
    • de-ice  ✓
  • Select the words containing the prefix sub-.
    • submarine  ✓
    • husband
    • bus
    • subtropical  ✓
    • subheading  ✓
  • Select the words containing the prefix super-.
    • supermarket  ✓
    • supper
    • super
    • superhero  ✓
  • Choose the correct spelling of the word in bold. Yesterday, the helper gided us around the museum.
    • gided
    • guideed
    • guided  ✓
    • gideed