Starter quiz

  • Which of the following is a statistic about stag beetles?
    • The larva feeds on decaying wood.
    • The larva grows to lengths of up to 11 centimetres.  ✓
    • The adult beetle lives for only a few months.
    • The female beetle does not have oversized mandibles.
  • Which of the following are threats faced by macaroni penguins?
    • Climate change is reducing krill numbers.  ✓
    • There are monitoring programmes at breeding colonies.
    • Fishing has reduced the amount of krill and fish.  ✓
    • Many penguins can't be visited by humans.
  • Which of the following are appropriate expanded noun phrases to replace 'krill' in a non-chronological report?
    • delicious creatures
    • tiny crustaceans  ✓
    • disgusting, slimy animals
  • Match the adjectives and nouns to make word pairs to describe the features of macaroni penguins.
    • tightly-packed
      feathers ✓
    • orange-brown
      bill ✓
    • distinctive, yellow
      crest ✓
    • oily
      secretions ✓
  • Match the adjectives and nouns to make expanded noun phrases to describe the features of macaroni penguins' diet and habitat.
    • shallow, rock-lined
      scrape ✓
    • crowded, populous
      colony ✓
    • protected
      reserves ✓
    • commercial
      fishing ✓
  • Which adjective pair best describes the macaroni penguin's body?
    • streamlined, thin
    • oily, tightly-packed
    • distinctive, powerful
    • streamlined, well-insulated  ✓