Starter quiz

  • Which of the following expanded noun phrases could replace 'many teeth' in a non-chronological report?
    • hundreds of jagged teeth, as sharp as diamonds
    • hundreds of sharp teeth  ✓
    • teeth like fearsome daggers
  • Which of these phrases use a hyphen correctly?
    • this well-adapted creature  ✓
    • extremely-sharp teeth
    • very-small fish
    • well-protected animals  ✓
  • Which of the following features would we not find in a non-chronological report?
    • subheadings
    • a short poem describing the subject  ✓
    • dramatic descriptions of how the author sees the subject  ✓
    • conclusion
  • Which of these features help the reader find information in a non-chronological report?
    • the conclusion
    • subheadings  ✓
    • paragraphs grouped around a theme
    • the title
  • Where in a non-chronological report are we most likely to find specific information about different aspects of the subject?
    • the sections with subheadings  ✓
    • the introduction
    • the conclusion
  • Which of these sentences could belong in a paragraph called 'Where do basking sharks live?'?
    • Basking sharks are usually found in the North Atlantic Ocean.  ✓
    • Basking sharks consume thousands of zooplankton each day.
    • Some basking sharks migrate while others do not.  ✓
    • Basking sharks weigh up to six tons.