Starter quiz

  • Match the words to the spellings of the 'n' sound.
    • funny
      nn ✓
    • not
      n ✓
    • knew
      kn ✓
    • gnaw
      gn ✓
  • Match the words to the spellings of the 'm' sound.
    • humming
      mm ✓
    • mop
      m ✓
    • bomb
      mb ✓
  • Match the words to the spellings of the 'r' sound.
    • hurry
      rr ✓
    • crab
      r ✓
    • wrong
      wr ✓
  • Choose the correct spelling of the word in bold in the following sentence: 'I hurt my thum.'
    • fum
    • fumb
    • thum
    • thumb  ✓
  • Choose the correct spelling of the word in bold in the following sentence: 'I nyoo how to find the shop.'
    • new
    • knew  ✓
    • nyoo
    • nyew
  • Choose the correct spelling of the word in bold in the following sentence: 'Please read the sine.'
    • sighn
    • sign  ✓
    • sine