Starter quiz

  • Select the adverb in this sentence. The dog ran quickly.
    • the
    • dog
    • ran
    • quickly  ✓
  • What rule is used when 'possible' becomes 'possibly' when adding the suffix -ly?
    • Just add -ly.
    • Remove the ‘e’, add -ly.  ✓
    • Remove the ‘y’, add -ily.
    • Add -ally.
  • What rule is used when 'grumpy' becomes 'grumpily' when adding the suffix -ly?
    • Just add -ly.
    • Remove the ‘e’, add -ly.
    • Remove the ‘y’, add -ily.  ✓
    • Add -ally.
  • Match the words to the rule they apply when adding the suffix -ly.
    • quick - quickly
      Just add -ly. ✓
    • simple - simply
      Remove the ‘e’, add -ly. ✓
    • funny - funnily
      Remove the ‘y’, add -ily. ✓
    • basic - basically
      Add -ally. ✓
  • Choose the correct spelling of the word in bold in the sentence. She tied her shoe laces eazilee.
    • easily  ✓
    • easyly
    • eazily
    • eazyly
  • Choose the correct spelling of the word in bold in the sentence. They franticly ran away from the fire.
    • frantickly
    • franticaly
    • frantically  ✓