Starter quiz

  • What is the purpose of using a quote in a journalistic report?
    • to showcase vocabulary
    • to express personal opinions
    • to provide evidence or information  ✓
    • to confuse the reader
  • Put these steps in the right order for getting a quote from a witness.
    • 1
      Arrange to talk to the witness.
    • 2
      Ask questions about what happened.
    • 3
      Listen carefully to the witness.
    • 4
      Write down or record what the witness says.
  • Match the type of information with its purpose in a quote about a crime.
    • what happened
      Explain what took place. ✓
    • where it happened
      Share information regarding the scene of the crime. ✓
    • who was there
      Provide details about the people involved or present. ✓
    • impact of what happened
      Give insight into the effects of what happened. ✓
  • Who might journalists interview to get quotes for a report on a crime?
    • fictional characters
    • animals
    • people who witnessed or were part of the event  ✓
    • superheroes
    • the suspect
  • Which of the following people would be appropriate witnesses to quote about Mr Wolf's crime?
    • a neighbour  ✓
    • a passer-by  ✓
    • someone in another country
  • Match the witness with the appropriate quote.
    • a passer-by
      "I was just walking through the lane when I heard screams." ✓
    • a neighbour
      "I can't believe this happened so close to home." ✓
    • a postman
      "I saw the suspect while I was on my daily rounds." ✓