Starter quiz

  • What is an opinion?
    • a fact that a person knows
    • a view or belief that a person has  ✓
    • a list of items
  • What is a fact?
    • a view or belief that a person has
    • a statement that is true  ✓
    • a piece of gossip
  • Which of the following is an opinion?
    • 2 + 2 = 4
    • Chocolate ice cream is the best flavour.  ✓
    • The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.
    • London is the capital city of England.
  • When speaking publicly, which three of these will help you?
    • speaking with a loud voice  ✓
    • speaking clearly  ✓
    • looking at the floor
    • looking at the audience  ✓
    • speaking quietly
  • What should a persuasive sentence include?
    • long and detailed sentences
    • rhyming words
    • strong evidence and logical reasoning  ✓
  • Which of the following is persuasive?
    • the sky is blue
    • you should definitely try this delicious ice cream  ✓
    • I like reading books