Starter quiz

  • What is the unique selling point for the chocolate energy ball?
    • It is coated in chocolate.
    • It is made of oat, nuts and dried fruits.
    • It tastes delicious.
    • It is made from chocolate and it is healthy.  ✓
  • Which methods help us when preparing to write?
    • Revisiting the information we need to include.  ✓
    • Deciding which grammatical techniques we want to use.  ✓
    • Writing our first idea down.
    • Orally rehearsing sentences.  ✓
    • Trying to recall everything from memory as we write.
  • Match the vocabulary to the correct definition.
    • ingredients
      any of the food or substances combined to make an item from ✓
    • nutrients
      a substance that provides nourishment essential for life ✓
    • food groups
      categories into which types of food are classified ✓
  • What are the main ingredients inside the energy ball?
    • chicken
    • oats  ✓
    • nuts  ✓
    • potatoes
    • dried fruits  ✓
  • How does the energy ball benefit health?
    • It makes your hair and nails grow stronger.
    • It provides energy, builds muscles and supports digestion.  ✓
    • It makes you more flexible.
  • Which of the following persuasive techniques are used throughout a persuasive advert?
    • interesting synonyms  ✓
    • rhyme
    • superlatives  ✓
    • exaggerated language  ✓
    • onomatopoeia